Sunday 23 April 2017


Today I returned to work, and it was great to get involved in the hustle and bustle of work. So nice to hear familiar voices, and genuine pleasure to have me back
I'm tired and have no energy left
Laying on the bed with Lola trying to find enough energy to get dinner started
Argh I think it might end up being take away lol


Well today I went to the doctors clinic
All good, last drain out.
I see plastic surgeon next week.
I am allowed to drive, so watch out world.
The 4 cancers where spread over 6cm and is all gone.
I still need to see the oncologist to discuss further treatment, I do not need radiation.
I'm healing well and feeling good for what I've been through so now it's time to get living this life 👍

So Rodolfo and I went for a drink to celebrate that all of the cancer is gone when I realised that I had sprung a leak lol

I had to go back to the hospital to plug up the hole (re bandage)lol

Home now and all better.

Looking forward and what all this means is, yes Ron Cadle,I need to take easy and heal.

The cancer that I have had was estrogen based.
I will possible need to take tablets to help keep those levels in check. Or/and may need to have a small tablet form of chemo, hence the reason why I need to see an oncologist.
The plastic surgeons will do my reconstruction in about 3 months time, then my boobie won't be as hard, I'm not sure about these implant things although it gives me the shape (not properly yet) it's so hard and sore.
So I'm going to take another week off of work, get all of these appointments under control and slowly re enter my world I put on hold
All is good over here my head space is surprisingly ok, I've had my moments and I'm looking forward to the future & a new boob 😊
When I have more news I will let you know xxx

Home time

Ok reality check, I have the nurses visit at home each day to make sure everything ok, how I'm going, and how the wound is.
Well today I got in trouble!!!!!
I'm moving to quickly, I'm not acting sick enough.
I thought I was doing well, feeling good and all that stuff
She has told me if I don't slow down that they will take me back to hospital!
Yes Ron Cadle dad I know you told me
I'm also not allowed to pick up or drive my new car, I completely forgot about the pain killers that I'm taking and can not drive yet
My man told his mum today about what's been going with me
She told Rodolfo to make sure that I'm not running around a crazy goat
Omg if she heard the nurse she would have smacked my bum
Ok so reality has slapped me in the face and I'm feeling sad and sorry for myself and sulking on the couch

Day 8

Guess what?????????

I had the home nurse come in we chatted about all that has happened, what's going to happen and what hasn't happened.
So plans put in place, they will visit once a day, do blood pressure, check site and bag and come back the next day.
I had an ecg as I have a new pain to worry about, so thought that should be checked before hand
The home nurse pops her head in again and says "when was the last time you opened your bowels?"
The morning of my operation, ok thank you and she left.
I had my lunch, had a shower now time to get dressed
That's when the rumbles began and finished, I must admit I felt very proud of myself lol
Got dressed and the nurse comes back in all flustered asking if I had used bowels, my smile said it all lol
Thank bloody god!!!!
When she came back I asked what the problem was. Now although surgeons, nurses and the home nurses had approved for me to go home, the home nurse had changed her mind and did not want me leaving without me using my bowels.
Well all I can say is na na na na I'm going home to see my puppy and sleep in my bed yippie for me
I'm outside for the first time in 8 days and it feels good
So posts will be from my home with a puppy and my man 👍👍👍👍

Day 7

Night 7 in the penthouse.

Well no movement at the station,  and I'm not overly stressed about it.
My belly is not hard or sore so they (doctors) are not worried so I'm not going to take the worry on.
My body will poop when it's ready and it might happen better at home, eating my food  etc.
So I've decided I've had enough of being here and I'm ready to go home.
So this will be my last post from the hospital, I will however do some updates from home.
I will be visiting the clinic once a week.
I've packed almost everything up and my man has taken most of it home
So sleep well and I will update you when I have updates to give.

Day 6 again lol

Well I'm up to day 6 and I'm still here.
Although I think I'm on the end of the boot.

Yesterday was the start of a down couple of days.

As a lot of you are aware when taking some tablets it can bind you up.

Wwweeelll the amount of pain tablets and other tablets that I've been taking has resulted with NO movement at the station.

I had decided when I was coming in for this stay that I would continue with the fibre that I'd been taking, which should keep on top of it. How wrong was I?

So 3 days "without opening my bowels" they offered coloxyl with senna.
I have used them before but I found it made me cramp, with my surgery I was afraid it cause stress through out my body and I was scared.
So I declined and asked for maybe a drink or another way, if any.
I drank my drink and day 4 nothing.

Day 4, 2 drinks,   Day 5 nothing.

So with that I decided to try the coloxyl
Day 5, 2 coloxyl, 2 drinks and I'm sorry to admit 2 suppositories top that with 3.5 litres of water, a magazine and some time alone in the bathroom.
So now I'm getting upset that I can not go to the toilet and feeling like a failure to my own body.
We then come to day 6, and yes ladies and gentlemen I still have no movement at the station
I'm starting to stress, so we start the day with a plan, poopy drink straight up followed by a coloxyl mix that up with  a 1/2 hour sit and read.
Do it again but double it.
So now I'm getting upset that nothing is working.
I'm ready to try anything, so the nurse comes in and puts a bottle with a long nozzle and a sachet of something on my table and says if you need help press the buzzer.
Back to the bathroom for some private time, still nothing
So I am retiring for the night with no success, if any of you have any ideas how to help I will try just about anything.

At the end of all of this one of the nice doctors came to visit and let me know the out come of the case study today.


Sorry for the non shitty talk if I succeed tomorrow I will post a thumbs up
Nite nite all xxx

Day 6

Day (I don't know) I'm not feeling the blogging today I will make up for it tomorrow xxx